October 20, 2011

The prayer that the Guardian has “earnestly request[ed]” all his “fellow-brethren and sisters in the Faith to offer” on his behalf.

I, for my part, as I look back to the unfortunate circumstances of ill-health and physical exhaustion that have attended the opening years of my career of service to the Cause, feel hardly gratified, and would be truly despondent but for the sustaining memory and inspiring example of the diligent and ceaseless efforts which my fellow-workers the world over have displayed during these two trying years in the service of the Cause.

I cherish the hope that, from now on, the Beloved may bestow upon me all the strength and vigor that will enable me to pursue over a long and unbroken period of strenuous labor the supreme task of achieving, in collaboration with the friends in every land, the speedy triumph of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. This is the prayer I earnestly request all my fellow-brethren and sisters in the Faith to offer on my behalf. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 14 November 1923 to the Baha’is throughout America, ‘Baha’i Administration, p. 50) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community – by Shoghi Effendi)

October 9, 2011

To remind ourselves that “though but a mere handful amidst the seething masses of the world, we are in this day the chosen instruments of God’s grace..”

Let us pray to God that in these days of world-encircling gloom, when the dark forces of nature, of hate, rebellion, anarchy and reaction are threatening the very stability of human society, when the most precious fruits of civilization are undergoing severe and unparalleled tests, we may all realize, more profoundly than ever, that though but a mere handful amidst the seething masses of the world, we are in this day the chosen instruments of God’s grace, that our mission is most urgent and vital to the fate of humanity, and, fortified by these sentiments, arise to achieve God’s holy purpose for mankind. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 14 November 1923 to the Baha’is throughout America, ‘Baha’i Administration, p. 50) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community – by Shoghi Effendi)

October 5, 2011

“The flames of sedition …are gone out for ever”

Let us take heart and be thankful to our beloved ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as we remember His manifold blessings and unfailing care and protection, ever since the hour of His departure from our midst. The flames of sedition, so maliciously kindled in the past by those who have dared to flout His will, are gone out for ever, and the fondest hopes of these evil plotters are now abandoned, doomed never to revive. He has indeed redeemed His promise!

It seemed not a long time ago that their agitation, so violently renewed immediately after the passing of our Beloved, would for a time confuse the Divine Message of Bahá’u’lláh, obscure His Covenant, retard the progress of His Cause, and shatter its unity; and yet how well we see them all today, not through our efforts, but by their own folly, and above all, by the intervention of the hidden hand of God, reduced to the vilest and most humiliating position. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 14 November 1923 to the Baha’is throughout America, ‘Baha’i Administration, p. 50) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community – by Shoghi Effendi)

July 25, 2011

Our responsibilities during “these troublous days"

Ours is then the duty and privilege to labor, by day and by night, amidst the storm and stress of these troublous days, that we may quicken the zeal of our fellow-men, rekindle their hopes, stimulate their interest, open their eyes to the true Faith of God and enlist their active support in the carrying out of our common task for the peace and regeneration of the world. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 14 November 1923 to the Baha’is throughout America, ‘Baha’i Administration, p. 50) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community – by Shoghi Effendi)

July 23, 2011

Impact of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s passing on the Cause and mankind

The two years that have elapsed since the passing of our beloved Master have been for the Cause, as well as for mankind, years of deep anxiety and pain. The momentous changes that are taking place in the history of both have proved so swift and far-reaching as to arouse in certain hearts a strange misgiving as to their stability and future.

On one hand the remarkable revelations of the Beloved’s Will and Testament, so amazing in all its aspects, so emphatic in its injunctions, have challenged and perplexed the keenest minds, whilst the ever-increasing confusion of the world, threatened as never before with disruptive forces, fierce rivalries, fresh commotions and grave disorder, has well-nigh overwhelmed the heart and damped the zeal of even the most enthusiastic believer in the destiny of mankind.

And yet, how often we seem to forget the clear and repeated warnings of our beloved Master, who, in particular during the concluding years of His mission on earth, laid stress on the “severe mental tests” that would inevitably sweep over His loved ones of the West — tests that would purge, purify and prepare them for their noble mission in life.

And as to the world’s evil plight, we need but recall the writings and sayings of Bahá’u’lláh, who, more than fifty years ago, declared in terms prophetic the prime cause of the ills and sufferings of mankind, and set forth their true and divine remedy. “Should the Lamp of Religion be hidden,” He declares, “Chaos and confusion will ensue.” How admirably fitting and applicable are these words to the present state of mankind! (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 14 November 1923 to the Baha’is throughout America, ‘Baha’i Administration, p. 50) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community – by Shoghi Effendi)

July 8, 2011

Plans of Burmese Baha’is “to constitute a Central Council for all Burma, and establish a Bahá'í Magazine, exclusively devoted to the progress of the work in that province”

I am looking forward with the greatest interest, to the time when your high hopes will have been fully realized, your plans fulfilled and your selfless efforts crowned with glorious success. It is my fervent hope and prayer that your endeavours to constitute a Central Council for all Burma, and establish a Bahá'í Magazine, exclusively devoted to the progress of the work in that province, will soon bear abundant fruit, and will stand a testimony to the efficiency, the energy and the zeal of the beloved Burmese friends. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated June 1, 1923, to the Baha’is in Rangoon; Messages of Shoghi Effendi to the Indian Subcontinent: 1923-1957) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community)

July 7, 2011

To carry out ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s “Great Purpose for mankind” – we need to “hold fast to those principles for which He lived, laboured and died”

May our loving and ever-watchful Master, guide and protect you in all the services you are so whole-heartedly tendering to His sacred Threshold, and may He enable you to contribute your full share in carrying out His Great Purpose for mankind! This is my prayer for you all whenever I visit the Three Holy Shrines, and I feel certain that He will not fail to answer it, if we but hold fast to those principles for which He lived, laboured and died. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated June 1, 1923, to the Baha’is in Rangoon; Messages of Shoghi Effendi to the Indian Subcontinent: 1923-1957) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community)

June 28, 2011

The “newly-constituted Spiritual Assembly in Haifa” -- assisting with sharing news worldwide

I trust that the letters addressed to you by the newly-constituted Spiritual Assembly in Haifa have contributed their share in informing you more fully of the onward and irresistible march of the Movement throughout the world. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter to the Baha’is in Japan, dated May 10, 1923, ‘Japan Will Turn Ablaze’) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World Community)

May 11, 2011

The Guardian requests more frequent reports from the friends in Japan

I shall remember in my prayers Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baldwin and their children, as well as Mrs. and Miss Cramer, and wish them from all my heart signal success in their noble endeavours to promote far and wide the Heavenly Teachings.

It is my earnest hope that the friends in Japan will from now on write me frequent and detailed letters, setting forth the account of their various spiritual activities and giving me the plans for their future services to the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter to the Baha’is in Japan, dated May 10, 1923, ‘Japan Will Turn Ablaze’) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

May 6, 2011

The Guardian’s hopes for the effects of Martha Root’s visit to Japan

May the visit of our beloved sister, Miss Martha Root, to your shores stimulate widespread interest in the Cause throughout Japan, China and the Pacific Islands, and consolidate the foundation of the Edifice of the Cause in those far-eastern regions. I shall ever pray at the Three Holy Thresholds that the seeds now scattered bear abundant fruit and the promise of our beloved Master be speedily fulfilled. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter to the Baha’is in Japan, dated May 10, 1923, ‘Japan Will Turn Ablaze’) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

May 2, 2011

News about the growth of the Cause in Japan

The most welcome letter of our dearly beloved Bahá'í sister, Miss Agnes Alexander, imparting the glad news of the progress of her glorious services in Japan has rejoiced my heart, and has served to strengthen my hope and confidence in the future glories of that far eastern land.

The Ladies of the Holy Household are highly gratified and comforted to learn of your untiring labours in His Vineyard, of the success that has attended your efforts, of the perseverance and ardour with which you conduct your teaching work in those distant regions of the earth. 'Abdu'l-Bahá is with you always and your success is assured! (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter to the Baha’is in Japan, dated May 10, 1923, ‘Japan Will Turn Ablaze’) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 30, 2011

Fujita -- the “devoted brother”

Our devoted brother, Mr. Fujita, is well and happy in the Holy Land, and together with the Ladies of the Household and myself is engaged in the service of the various pilgrims that visit in these days this sacred Spot. He is faithfully and actively carrying on the work which he has started so whole-heartedly during the Master's last years on earth. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter to the Baha’is in Japan, dated May 10, 1923, ‘Japan Will Turn Ablaze’) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 29, 2011

May Maxwell: the pioneer of the Cause in Canada

Our beloved Baha’i sister, Mrs. May Maxwell, the pioneer of the Cause in Canada, will soon be with us in the Holy Land, and I trust that after her visit to the Three Holy Shrines, she may be enabled to return, invigorated and refreshed, ready to continue, in collaboration with you all, the mission which the Master has destined her to fulfill in this world. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated April 20, 1923 addressed to the Baha’is of Canada; ‘Messages to Canada’, pp. 9-10) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 18, 2011

Spiritual qualities to strive for and be cognizant of while serving the Cause

It behoves us, now that the signs of that glorious and promised Day are fast appearing, to arise, with utter selflessness, unity and determination, to promote and consolidate the Work which He has Himself established in the heart of that vast Dominion, and prove ourselves, by our wisdom, moderation, and constancy, worthy of the many bestowals He has showered upon us in the past. If we but follow in His Way, regard at all times the dignity of the Cause, guard sedulously its unity and vital principles, and exercise the utmost endeavour to keep its Spirit pure, effective, and unobscured, then, and only then, can we hope to achieve the immediate spread and triumph of the Cause. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated April 20, 1923 addressed to the Baha’is of Canada; ‘Messages to Canada’, pp. 9-10) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 15, 2011

Promises of ‘Abdu’l-Baha concerning the future of Canada

I was deeply interested and immensely grateful to read the newly received messages and letters from that distant land, all testifying to the growth of a new spirit of enthusiasm and fellowship recently kindled in the hearts of those few, yet earnest, workers for the Cause of Baha’u’llah. The report sent to me recently by the Secretary of the Montreal Spiritual Assembly, as well as the letters which our beloved spiritual sister, Mrs. Scbopflocherber, has received from America, all gave me the assurance that a new era of spiritual activity is dawning upon the people of that land. May the repeated promises of 'Abdu'l-Baha regarding the ultimate religious revival of that spiritually conservative country, and the universal and whole-hearted response of its people to the Call of Ya'-Baha’u’l-Abha' be speedily fulfilled. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated April 20, 1923 addressed to the Baha’is of Canada; ‘Messages to Canada’, pp. 9-10) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 14, 2011

The “great work of Reconciliation of which the world stands in such great need at present” – attitude and mindset required by believers

Clear in our vision, broad in our outlook, tireless in our energies and steadfast in our hopes, let us promote one and all this great work of Reconciliation of which the world stands in such great need at present. May the Light of His Divine Guidance illumine our path and lead us to our glorious destiny. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated March 1923 to the Baha’of  Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A; The Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923) (To see the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 13, 2011

Ways in which we can help “the seeds of the words of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha” that were “cast so profusely” many years ago to germinate and give fruit

Our primary duty is to create by our words and deeds, our conduct and example, the atmosphere in which the seeds of the words of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha, cast so profusely during well-nigh eighty years, may germinate and give forth those fruits that alone can assure peace and prosperity to this distracted world. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated March 1923 to the Baha’of  Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A; The Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

April 12, 2011

The “power of the Call of Ya Baha’u’l-Abha” can “bind effectively together the scattered and conflicting elements of human society”

In these days of world unrest, of political upheavals, of social disruption and spiritual ferment, the one Power that can bind effectively together the scattered and conflicting elements of human society and breathe into them the vivifying and eternal Spirit of Life is indeed the power of the Call of Ya Baha’u’l-Abha.

We, of this noble Faith, the chosen ones of God, who carry with us this wholesome Medicine for the ills and sicknesses of this world, must now bestir ourselves to further activity and relentless efforts in the great and urgent mission entrusted to us by Baha’u’llah, that we may minister freely and effectively to the needs of mankind. (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated March 1923 to the Baha’of  Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A; The Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

March 18, 2011

Need to make sure that our “harmony and concord” is “firmly established” when arising “for the enlightenment of the world and the salvation of mankind”

It is our vital and most urgent duty to assure at whatever cost the safety and the unity of the Cause of God, and with harmony and concord firmly established amongst us, to arise with confidence and courage for the enlightenment of the world and the salvation of mankind. (Shoghi Effendi, from a letter dated circa March, 1923, addressed to the Baha’is of Washington DC; Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

March 17, 2011

The general condition of the world and how we can “impart to every earnest seeker that firm faith and inner peace which the world cannot give”

The world is sadly stricken and in a state of continuous turmoil and sigma of weariness and despondency are apparent everywhere. But we, fired with the hope of the Abba Kingdom and ever mindful of the unfailing promises of the dawn of a new and better day, must weather every storm and endeavor to impart to every earnest seeker that firm faith and inner peace which the world cannot give. (Shoghi Effendi, from a letter dated circa March, 1923, addressed to the Baha'is of Washington DC; Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

February 9, 2011

The “trumpet-call” of “our ever-victorious Commander, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá” “resounds on every side, and summons us to service”

To His valiant combatants on earth, who at times may feel disheartened, our ever-victorious Commander, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, gives us the following assurance:

“O ye servants of the Sacred Threshold! The triumphant Hosts of the Celestial Concourse, arrayed and marshalled in the Realms above, stand ready and expectant to assist and assure victory to that valiant horseman who with confidence spurs on his charger into the arena of service. Well is it with that fearless warrior, who armed with the power of true Knowledge, hastens unto the field, disperses the armies of ignorance, and scatters the hosts of error, who holds aloft the Standard of Divine Guidance, and sounds the Clarion of Victory. By the righteousness of the Lord! He hath achieved a glorious triumph and obtained the true victory....”

With such inspiring words as these, are we to remain any longer unmoved and inactive? His trumpet-call resounds on every side, and summons us to service; are we to tarry and hesitate? His voice is calling aloud from every land; let us march on, unfettered and unafraid, and fulfill our glorious Destiny. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

February 8, 2011

The administers of the Faith should not become too concerned “in that which is secondary in importance”

But let us be on our guard — so the Master continually reminds us from His Station on high — lest too much concern in that which is secondary in importance, and too long a preoccupation with the details of our affairs and activities, make us neglectful of the most essential, the most urgent of all our obligations, namely, to bury our cares and teach the Cause, delivering far and wide this Message of Salvation to a sorely-stricken world. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

February 7, 2011

“The need for the centralization of authority in the National Spiritual Assembly, and the concentration of power in the various local Assemblies”

The need for the centralization of authority in the National Spiritual Assembly, and the concentration of power in the various local Assemblies, is made manifest when we reflect that the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh is still in its age of tender growth and in a stage of transition; when we remember that the full implications and the exact significance of the Master’s world-wide instructions, as laid down in His Will, are as yet not fully grasped, and the whole Movement has not sufficiently crystallized in the eyes of the world.

It is our primary task to keep the most vigilant eye on the manner and character of its growth, to combat effectively the forces of separation and of sectarian tendencies, lest the Spirit of the Cause be obscured, its unity be threatened, its Teachings suffer corruption; lest extreme orthodoxy on one hand, and irresponsible freedom on the other, cause it to deviate from that Straight Path which alone can lead it to success. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

February 4, 2011

Establishment of local and national Baha’i Funds

And as the progress and execution of spiritual activities is dependent and conditioned upon material means, it is of absolute necessity that immediately after the establishment of local as well as national Spiritual Assemblies, a Bahá’í Fund be established, to be placed under the exclusive control of the Spiritual Assembly. All donations and contributions should be offered to the Treasurer of the Assembly, for the express purpose of promoting the interests of the Cause, throughout that locality or country. It is the sacred obligation of every conscientious and faithful servant of Bahá’u’lláh who desires to see His Cause advance, to contribute freely and generously for the increase of that Fund. The members of the Spiritual Assembly will at their own discretion expend it to promote the Teaching Campaign, to help the needy, to establish educational Bahá’í institutions, to extend in every way possible their sphere of service. I cherish the hope that all the friends, realizing the necessity of this measure, will bestir themselves and contribute, however modestly at first, towards the speedy establishment and the increase of that Fund. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

February 1, 2011

How we can all protect the Cause against any “division and disruption” – responsibilities of electors and elected

In order to avoid division and disruption, that the Cause may not fall a prey to conflicting interpretations, and lose thereby its purity and pristine vigor, that its affairs may be conducted with efficiency and promptness, it is necessary that every one should conscientiously take an active part in the election of these Assemblies, abide by their decisions, enforce their decree, and cooperate with them wholeheartedly in their task of stimulating the growth of the Movement throughout all regions. The members of these Assemblies, on their part, must disregard utterly their own likes and dislikes, their personal interests and inclinations, and concentrate their minds upon those measures that will conduce to the welfare and happiness of the Bahá’í Community and promote the common weal. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 27, 2011

Securing the means for the establishment of the “Supreme House of Justice”

With these Assemblies, local as well as national, harmoniously, vigorously, and efficiently functioning throughout the Bahá’í world, the only means for the establishment of the Supreme House of Justice will have been secured. And when this Supreme Body will have been properly established, it will have to consider afresh the whole situation, and lay down the principle which shall direct, so long as it deems advisable, the affairs of the Cause.

Pending its establishment, and to insure uniformity throughout the East and throughout the West, all local Assemblies will have to be re-elected once a year, during the first day of Ridván, and the result of polling, if possible, be declared on that day. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 25, 2011

“Vital issues … distinct from strictly local affairs, must be under the full jurisdiction of the National Assembly”

Vital issues, affecting the interests of the Cause in that country such as the matter of translation and publication, the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, the Teaching Work, and other similar matters that stand distinct from strictly local affairs, must be under the full jurisdiction of the National Assembly.

It will have to refer each of these questions, even as the local Assemblies, to a special Committee, to be elected by the members of the National Spiritual Assembly, from among all the friends in that country, which will bear to it the same relation as the local committees bear to their respective local Assemblies.

With it, too, rests the decision whether a certain point at issue is strictly local in its nature, and should be reserved for the consideration and decision of the local Assembly, or whether it should fall under its own province and be regarded as a matter which ought to receive its special attention. The National Spiritual Assembly will also decide upon such matters which in its opinion should be referred to the Holy Land for consultation and decision. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 24, 2011

National Assemblies to “be re-elected once a year” “pending the establishment of the Universal House of Justice

This National Spiritual Assembly, which, pending the establishment of the Universal House of Justice, will have to be re-elected once a year, obviously assumes grave responsibilities, for it has to exercise full authority over all the local Assemblies in its province, and will have to direct the activities of the friends, guard vigilantly the Cause of God, and control and supervise the affairs of the Movement in general.
(Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 23, 2011

Method of electing National Assemblies – “indirectly elected by the friends”

It is expressly recorded in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Writings that these National Assemblies must be indirectly elected by the friends; that is, the friends in every country must elect a certain number of delegates, who in their turn will elect from among all the friends in that country the members of the National Spiritual Assembly. In such countries, therefore, as America, Great Britain and Germany, a fixed number of secondary electors must first be decided upon (95 for America, including the Pacific Islands; 95 for Germany; and 19 for Great Britain). The friends then in every locality where the number of adult declared believers exceeds nine must directly elect its quota of secondary electors assigned to it in direct proportion to its numerical strength. These secondary electors will then, either through correspondence, or preferably by gathering together, and first deliberating upon the affairs of the Cause throughout their country (as the delegates to the Convention), elect from among all the friends in that country nine who will be the members of the National Spiritual Assembly. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 22, 2011

Establishment of National Assemblies - National Houses of Justice - and Its “immediate purpose”

Regarding the establishment of “National Assemblies,” it is of vital importance that in every country, where the conditions are favorable and the number of the friends has grown and reached a considerable size, such as America, Great Britain and Germany, that a “National Spiritual Assembly” be immediately established, representative of the friends throughout that country.

Its immediate purpose is to stimulate, unify and coordinate by frequent personal consultations, the manifold activities of the friends as well as the local Assemblies; and by keeping in close and constant touch with the Holy Land, initiate measures, and direct in general the affairs of the Cause in that country.

It serves also another purpose, no less essential than the first, as in the course of time it shall evolve into the National House of Justice (referred to in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Will as the “secondary House of Justice”), which according to the explicit text of the Testament will have, in conjunction with the other National Assemblies throughout the Bahá’í world, to elect directly the members of the International House of Justice, that Supreme Council that will guide, organize and unify the affairs of the Movement throughout the world. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 21, 2011

The “sacred duty” of each believer with respect to his/her local Spiritual Assembly

These local Spiritual Assemblies will have to be elected directly by the friends, and every declared believer of 21 years and above, far from standing aloof and assuming an indifferent or independent attitude, should regard it his sacred duty to take part conscientiously and diligently, in the election, the consolidation and the efficient working of his own local Assembly. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 20, 2011

“the most outstanding obligations of the members of every Spiritual Assembly”

The matter of Teaching, its direction, its ways and means, its extension, its consolidation, essential as they are to the interests of the Cause, constitute by no means the only issue which should receive the full attention of these Assemblies. A careful study of Bahá’u’lláh’s and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Tablets will reveal that other duties, no less vital to the interests of the Cause, devolve upon the elected representatives of the friends in every locality.

It is incumbent upon them to be vigilant and cautious, discreet and watchful, and protect at all times the Temple of the Cause from the dart of the mischief-maker and the onslaught of the enemy.

They must endeavor to promote amity and concord amongst the friends, efface every lingering trace of distrust, coolness and estrangement from every heart, and secure in its stead an active and whole-hearted cooperation for the service of the Cause.

January 19, 2011

“in accordance with the explicit text of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas”, the Guardian calls for the establishment of “a local ‘Spiritual Assembly’” “in every locality … where the number of adult (21 years and above) declared believers exceeds nine”

And, now that this all-important Work may suffer no neglect, but rather function vigorously and continuously in every part of the Bahá’í world; that the unity of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh may remain secure and inviolate, it is of the utmost importance that in accordance with the explicit text of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the Most Holy Book, in every locality, be it city or hamlet, where the number of adult (21 years and above) declared believers exceeds nine, a local “Spiritual Assembly” be forthwith established. To it all local matters pertaining to the Cause must be directly and immediately referred for full consultation and decision. The importance, nay the absolute necessity of these local Assemblies is manifest when we realize that in the days to come they will evolve into the local Houses of Justice, and at present provide the firm foundation on which the structure of the Master’s Will is to be reared in future. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 14, 2011

The Guardian encourages us to “glance at the Words of Bahá’u’lláh and the Epistles of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to realize the “great privilege of teaching the Cause” and to “labor in this Day in the Divine Vineyard”

We need but glance at the Words of Bahá’u’lláh and the Epistles of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to realize the great privilege of teaching the Cause, its vital necessity, its supreme urgency, and its wide-reaching effects. These are the very words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:—

“In these days, the Holy Ones of the Realm of Glory, dwelling in the all-highest Paradise, yearn to return unto this world, and be of some service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh and prove their servitude to the Threshold of Abhá beauty.”

What a wondrous vision these words unfold to our eyes! How great our privilege to labor in this Day in the Divine Vineyard! Is it not incumbent upon us to arise and teach His Cause with such an ardor which no worldly adversity can quell, nor any measure of success can satiate? (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 10, 2011

The Guardian calls on us to “fulfill these last words” of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, “His most cherished desire”

Steadfast in our faith, firm in our union, abounding in our hope, fervent in our spirit, and selfless in our labors, let us arise and with prayerful hearts make another and supreme effort to fulfill these last words of our Beloved, His most cherished desire:

January 7, 2011

Spiritual virtues to strive for while we “hope to deliver effectively the Message of Bahá’u’lláh”

With unity of purpose firmly established in our minds, with every trace of personal animosity banished from our hearts, and with the spirit of whole-hearted and sustained fellowship kindled in our souls, can we hope to deliver effectively the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, and execute faithfully the various provisions of our Beloved’s Will and Testament. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha'i World)

January 2, 2011

“.. the sublime, the glorious position” that ‘Abdu’l-Baha “wishes us, and all the peoples and kindreds on earth, to attain in this world”

Let us, with a pure heart, with humility and earnestness, turn afresh to His counsels and exhortations, and seek from that Source of Celestial Potency all the guidance, the spirit, the power which we shall need for the fulfillment of our mission in this life.

Behold, the station to which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is now calling His loved ones from the Realm of Glory:—

“It behooveth the loved ones of God to be enamored of one another and to sacrifice themselves for their fellow-workers in the Cause. They should yearn towards one another even as the sore athirst yearneth for the Water of Life, and the lover burneth to meet his heart’s desire.”

Such is the sublime, the glorious position He wishes us, and all the peoples and kindreds on earth, to attain in this world; how much more to achieve unity and common understanding among ourselves, and then arise to herald with one voice the coming of the Kingdom and the salvation of mankind.
(Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’  pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)

January 1, 2011

“Shall we not by our daily life vindicate the high claims of His [Baha’u’llah’s] teachings, and prove by our services the influence of His undying Spirit?”

Now surely, if ever, is the time for us, the chosen ones of Bahá’u’lláh and the bearers of His Message to the world, to endeavor by day and by night, to deepen, first and foremost, the Spirit of His Cause in our own individual lives, and then labor, and labor incessantly to exemplify in all our dealings with our fellow-men that noble Spirit of which His beloved Son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has been all the days of His life a true and unique exponent. The sayings of our beloved Master have been noised abroad, His name has filled all regions, and the eyes of mankind are now turned expectant towards His disciples who bear His name and profess His teachings. Shall we not by our daily life vindicate the high claims of His teachings, and prove by our services the influence of His undying Spirit? This surely is our highest privilege, and our most sacred duty. (Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi, dated March 12, 1923, to the Baha’is throughout America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and Australasia; ‘Baha’i Administration’ pp. 34-43) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)