December 4, 2010

The Guardian's correspondence with every believer vs. groups and assemblies

Much as I desire to correspond individually with every one of you, yet I find that in view of the marvellously rapid extension of the Movement all over the world to start and maintain individual correspondence with the vast and ever-increasing number of Bahá’ís in the East and the West would entail so much time and energy on my part as to prevent me from paying adequate attention to my other duties that are so urgent and vital in these days.

I shall therefore very regretfully and reluctantly have to content myself with direct correspondence with every Bahá’í group in each locality, be it a city or hamlet, keeping in constant touch with them directly and through their respective local assemblies and co-ordinating their spiritual efforts and activities through the National Spiritual Assembly (National Body), representative of all the believers and local assemblies throughout the land.
(Excerpt from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi to Baha’is of Germany, dated 19 January 1923; The Light of Divine Guidance, vol. 1, pp 9-10) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)