December 26, 2010

Insights from “some of the oldest Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá”, revealed “during the darkest days of His incarceration in the prison city of ‘Akká"

I have been reading lately some of the oldest Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and am enclosing for your perusal the translation of various selections from His soul-stirring words, revealed some twenty-five years ago, during the darkest days of His incarceration in the prison city of ‘Akká. You will realise as you read them the unshakable confidence of the Master in the future growth of the Movement, the significance of the Cause in this age, and the glorious privilege of the friends to labour for its spread in every land.  (Shoghi Effendi, excerpt from a letter dated 17 February 1923 to the Baha’is of London, Manchester and Bournemouth) (To read the entire letter please visit Messages to the Baha’i World)